大跨度会展项目中的结构成本控制策略 | 开云kaiyun(中国)会展中心建筑精选
Structural Cost Control Strategy in Long-Span Exhibition Projects
2020/07/27项目 Projects -
旧建改造,传递空间生命力 | 开云kaiyun(中国)城市更新项目精选
Transformation of Old Buildings, Transmission of Space Vitality
2020/06/28项目 Projects -
RIBA China Chapter - New Committee
2020/06/17资讯 Information -
2020 RIBA HELLO CHINA 中国百位杰出建筑师计划上海站
China's 100 Outstanding Architects Plan Shanghai Station
2020/06/17资讯 Information -
见证巨变,做面向未来的建筑 | 上海浦东开发开放三十年特辑
Witnessing Great Changes and Building for the Future
2020/05/28项目 Projects
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